Cash Loan,SBLCBGMT760,Project Financing,SBLC Monetization.
Posted on Aug 7, 2019
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Asia, Hongkong
Jurgen Shujio
We offer personal/business/investment loans,bank instruments:SBLC/Bank Guarantee,project financing,BG/SBLC Monetization and many more. Loan interest Rate : 2% Loan Minimum Amount : 50,000 Euros and above. Our loan procedures are very flexible and no delays,also the service is open for both Companies and Individuals worldwide. We also offer bank instruments services such as: 1. Bank Guarantees (BG), 2. StandBy Letter of Credit (SBLC), 3. Bank Guarantee/SBLC Discounting/Monetization, 4. 100% Project Financing, 5. Bank Draft (BD) We Use Top Rated Banks Only for the issuance of bank instruments. Upon request,i will be glad to share our working procedures with you to help us proceed towards closing deals effectively. Thank You, Jurgen Shujio. Email: [email protected]
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